Group - Long Term Care

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Long Term Care (LTC) Insurance is expected to become the most sought after benefit of the next decade-and the reasons go to the heart of the workplace. As our population ages, more and more of today's employees are stepping into the role of caregiver for a parent, an older relative, or a friend. This creates problems for workers who face time and financial pressures, and issues for employers who suffer lost productivity. Employees, themselves, can certainly be stricken by serious illnesses and injuries and many find themselves uninsurable for individual coverage.

Fortunately, companies and employers can become part of the solution. By incorporating LTC insurance into their benefit programs, they can help employees avoid financial disasters and remain productive on the job. Employers who take the initiative today stand the best chance of attracting and retaining valuable employees tomorrow. Without such a benefit offering, employees often ignore the need, assuming a risk that they can ill-afford to take.

We are now offering a new, low cost long-term care insurance plan. Underwritten by one of the nation’s leaders in insurance of this type, UNUM, it is now available on a voluntary basis to all employees who work at least 17½ hours per week. Just click on your Group to the left to learn more about the plans specifics.